Quick View

Displays key information related to your wallet and staking activity in the DAO.

Looking at your portfolio page you will find the Quick View toolbar at the top of the page. Here you can find key information related to your activity in the DAO. This includes your Available Balance, Rewards Received, Total Staked, and Actioned Proposals.

1. Available Balance

This is the amount of VAB tokens available in your Metamask wallet and able to use within the DAO ecosystem. This does not account for the tokens locked in staking.

2. Rewards Received:

This is the amount of VAB tokens you have received from all rewards, this includes staking and film financing rewards within the Vabble ecosystem. This amount is updated every time you receive a new reward.

3. Total Staked:

The amount of VAB token you currently have staked.

4. Actioned Proposals:

Represents the number of proposals you have voted on out of the number you need to complete in order to receive the maximum staking rewards. All VAB DAO members are required to participate in the DAO if they wish to receive staking rewards.

Last updated