Voting on a Proposal

Below Your Proposal history, you will find the Proposals window that displays all of the current proposals going through the DAO. Here you can see each individual proposals and their specific information, including:

  • Who the proposal was created by.

  • The number and title of the proposal.

  • What type of Property Change is being proposed.

  • The type of amount/change occurring.

  • The current amount of time left to vote on the proposal.

  • A status bar showing the number of votes vs number of votes needed to pass the proposal.

  • A colored status indicator showcasing what stage the proposal is in. These include:

    • Active means the proposal is currently active and should be voted on

    • Accepted means a proposal has reached the number of votes required to pass.

    • Rejected means that the proposal was voted down

    • Abstained means users voted to neither pass or vote down the proposal. It is up to other users to determine if they want to accept or reject.

    • Disputed means there were comments that require feedback before it can be accepted or rejected.

Only changes to the Auditor can be disputed and reflect that status

With each proposal, you can click View which will bring up a new window where you can see the full information again and cast your vote. This includes rejecting, abstaining, or accepting the proposal. Once you make your selection, you will be prompted to sign a transaction in your Metamask wallet.

Once the transaction is confirmed on-chain the Governance Proposal board will update to show your vote.

Last updated