Creating a Vabble Film Proposal

In the Vab DAO studio page, you can create a variety of film related proposals.

These include:

  • NFT Collections–Where you can launch a full NFT collection going from a-z to help finance your production. The Vabble Platform makes it quick and easy.

  • Token Raise–Secure token based funding in USDT, USDC, or MATIC, in exchange for rewards, such as streaming rewards.

  • Token Raise + NFT Claimer– Secure token based funding in USDT, USDC, or Matic and later launch an NFT Collection to reward supports. Note: Only 20% of the raised funding is released until supports can claim an NFT. After which, the remaining 80% of funding can be claimed.

  • Distribution Only– For content that is already produced and where studios are seeking to distribute the content with a Web3 streaming service. During Beta, Vabble is the only connected Web3 streaming service.

For Distribution, once your proposal is created you will be brought through 3 simple stages to create your proposal.

1. Distribution Factory

In this section, you enter the basic information for your film that is written on-chain into smart contracts. This includes the Title, Logline, Distribution (Auditor), Studio Royalty, and any team royalties.

Once your proposal is submitted, this information cannot be changed.

  1. Film Factory

Here you will input detailed information about your film that you believe supporters and DAO members will need to know to make informed decisions. This includes information such as the genre of film, the staff/cast members, any media, the full film upload, and the ability to customize settings for distribution–such as the rental period, any NFT gating, geo-blocking or the option to have it auto listed following the acceptance of your proposal through the DAO.

  1. Review Stage

After adding all your information, you will be taken to the final review strategy, where you will see how your proposal will look to supporters and DAO members in the Film Slate.

This includes information about the film, your studio, and any supporting graphics and media, such as the trailer, film preview, and film cover photo that you have uploaded.

Once you have verified all the information you can hit “Confirm” which will ask you once more, that you are ready to submit your proposal. You will then be prompted to sign a transaction in your metamask wallet. Once signed, the display window will change and show the progress of your application as it is verified on-chain.

Once confirmed on-chain, you will be automatically taken to the Film Slate, where you can view your proposal and track it’s progress. Congratulations!

Last updated