Main Staking Portal

Stake Window: The 2nd window is the Stake window, here you find all your personal staking information. You can switch tabs between staking your VAB and claiming your VAB rewards.

  • Current Stake: The amount of VAB tokens you are currently staking

  • Available Balance: The amount of VAB tokens in your metamask wallet that you could stake if you chose to do so

  • Est. 30 Day Rewards: The estimated amount of VAB tokens you are expected to receive at the end of the 30 day staking window. This number changes based off the rewards being generated by the pool.

  • Pool share: The percentage amount you own of the VAB rewards pool

  • Stake Expiry: The date which your VAB tokens can be unlocked and withdrawn from the staking pool. This is 30 days after the time you first began staking.

  • Enter Amount to Stake: Here you can enter the amount of VAB tokens you wish to stake. You can only stake as much VAB tokens as you have available in your wallet.

  • Claim: Switching tabs to the claim section, you can see the amount of VAB token rewards you have received over the select time period and you can click claim to receive your rewards.

Both staking and claiming require a signing transaction within your wallet.

As a note, the amount of rewards you receive at the end of the 30 days is related to the amount of participation you have in the DAO. See Staking Formula and Calculator for a full breakdown.

Last updated