Staking Formula and Calculator

Pool Size

At launch, the initial Vabble Staking Pool holds 50,000,000 VAB tokens.

Our initial staking function has set the APR of this pool to 9% per annum meaning only 9% of the 50M pool can be released every year to stakers. This equates to 4,500,000 VAB per year or ~374,850 VAB per month.

Polygon Pool = 50,000,000 VAB

APR = 9% (4,500,000 VAB)

Monthly Rate = 0.7497% of 50,000,000 (OR 8.33% of 4,500,000 (374,850 VAB))

Every month, 0.75% of the pool is released as staking rewards (0.75% * 12 = 9%).

In this case, the first monthly pool to be distributed to stakers is 374,850 VAB (0.75% of 50,000,000)

Staking Formula:

The staking rewards users receive is based on their ownership % of the 0.75% pool at the end of every 30 days. Think of it as stock ownership. The more stock you own, the more of the company you own. In this case, the more you stake, the more of the pool you own.

However, the rewards are not a constant, but variable based on ownership of the pool over the 30 days. Here is an example to help:

If there are currently 100 users staking a total of 1000 VAB and I come in and stake 1000 VAB by myself, then I will own 50% of the reward pool and receive 50% of the rewards. However, if someone comes in after me and stakes 2000 VAB, then my ownership changes to 25% and they now own 50% of the pool, then my rewards drop to 25% of the reward pool for that month... and so on. The goal would be to try and retain your % of the pool over the 30 day period until rewards are received.

Participation Factor

An important point is that staking in Vab DAO is participatory, meaning that to receive your full rewards you need to be active in the DAO. How does this work?

If the DAO receives 100 proposal over a 30 day staking period, then a user will need to vote on 100 proposals to receive 100% of their rewards.

However, if a user only votes on 90 proposals, their share of rewards drops by -8.33%

80 proposals= -20.33%, 70 proposals = -29.16%

and so on.


To make the entire process easier, you can estimate your monthly staking rewards by visiting our Staking Calculator: (Coming Soon)

Last updated